
目前顯示的是 7月, 2013的文章

2013/7/29 [first time] brazilian wax

this would be the start of my first try series :p i had the appointment for brazilian wax this morning, never had anything waxed before so kind of new experience anyway... don't know what to say really, being waxed is a very strange feeling for me i suppose this therapist is quite skilful, she talked to me with casual stuff while processing the procedure good thing is that i am not hairy >/////< after it was done, i had quite few minutes i couldn't walk normally, but later as the discomfort fading i felt better once more probably after waxing the whole day should be very relaxing uh... so goodbye this day, no work, nothing ;)

2013/7/21 home

to my beloved, thank you for writing me this card i couldn't tell you how much i'm touched by your words, especially knowing that you're honest with your feelings and that you do what you say you said you missed me so much and you have never desired to have someone to your side i don't know how to comfort you with this situation cuz i miss you very much and want to be there with you as soon as possible mb i do not feel so strong as you feel, pls don't take it wrong that i don't care about you i have more faith in you and we will meet eventually, and i'm working hard to get to that point some ppl said that home is where your heart is well i have my heart in you and you have yours in me, i suppose your love makes me feel home already, i don't feel homesick or something i just feel secure and relaxed, like home sorry that i might have to make more effort so that you'll feel the same i'm feeling and i'm sorry for our separation making...


目的 purpose objective reason aim goal   想知道我跟那位到底有沒有緣份,但是這東西不能強求 想留在歐洲、居留問題、經濟來源 教職/研究員/業界(?) 做完我想做的研究、喜歡這種一直不停找答案的drive 拿到博士學位 申請工作   input --> digest --> output 消化能力是重點   對未來學界的潮流要有判斷能力,因為研究做下去需要時間 希望自己能在有限的時間內留下可以造福後世的東西 不是只是為了解決目前的難題,挖運河而非築堤防   Berlin - Homboldt Berlin - Freie Frankfurt Munster Bonn Koln Dortmund Duisburg Essen Dusseldorf Bielefeld Paderborn Wuppertal Aachen (Max Plank)   - why did you leave your job? felt something missing in my way of working the ability of seeing the whole picture, seeing the forest not single tree   - about this missing pieces, do you think that the master education helps you find them? - how the education enhanced your work so far as you almost finished the master? the ability to find answer by myself, and not just waiting for answer see the minor difference and this time finally see it without overlooking not just see things and think outside the box but also breaching the boundary of human knowledge patience...

2013/7/17 等待的果實

一直以來我都在默默的等、默默的看 對於我要的東西,我有無比的耐心 不是說我要的一定就會得到,而是我有耐心等,等到一個結果,無論好壞 因為愛你,所以我才在這裡 而我會一直待到這份愛消失 只要你也愛我,那麼我會回應你同等的愛,甚至更多 我,除了給你所有,只是等著,堅持要有個結束,再開下段章節,或是換人來寫   希望我的愛是微風,是陽光,是細水長流 帶給你的是自由,是熱情,是寬容 願你在我的愛中成長茁壯

2013/7/16 it must have been love

it's so funny trying to use strawberries to make a heart right now it's the season for berries and strawberries are so sweet :) i'm almost there to the end of my work, but at the meantime i'm a little bit disappointed about what i've done so far, felt like still not enough, i didn't give everything  mb this is why i wanna continue my study, just giving my best shot no matter it's love, or work once i've tried all my best, there won't be regrets

2013/7/8 this shopping mood

這個想要買東西的心情好可怕啊@@ 跟著天氣一起變好,不過可能不會跟著天氣變壞就消失不見,畢竟現在有很多穿的下、穿的出身體線條的衣服不在我的衣櫃啊ㄎㄎ 隨著論文進入卡關,我的心情也跟著一起進入需要購物治療法的世界了嗎冏 加油啊小閃,這才是剛開始的大魔王咧,打不過就不用去想下一關了(握拳)

2013/7/6 in good mood

this morning is perfectly nice, sunny and warm current status changed, and might have more things come to me  i hope i can have the heart and the courage to continue my journey  with my beloved just accompanying each other on our path, separate or together if we have consensus toward our future, we shall be fine    anyway, this is very cheering for me :) we will see

2013/7/2 stress, career choice, and shopping therapy

i have a new and pressing deadline on 25 July at the meantime, prepare my visa application and write my dissertation busy as hell and i'm feeling stressed :( it starts to show, feeling hungry all the time, feeling tired all the time, want to stay somewhere out of sight... this is not good today i went with my friend for shopping her accessories for attending a wedding and i feel good just buying small stuff :)  really nice shopping therapy