
目前顯示的是 9月, 2013的文章

2013/9/29 back to Düsseldorf

結束長假之後的第一週就在找房跟閒閒無事看電視中過了 很久沒有這種感覺自己要發黴了好糟糕啊啊啊 未來又再一次的落在分岔路上 不知道下段旅途又會是甚麼風景 現在是我整理過去一年來的林林總總,從踏上征途、決心走到最盡頭、遇到有相同想法的人們、與大學時期的好友再相聚,這些點滴都會慢慢的累積起來,直到它們熟成的那天 即使家人的關切和批評都很讓人挫折與沮喪,即使很多的事情堆疊起來很讓人灰心,總有一天這些小事會過去,只要我夠堅定,沒有什麼事能讓我喪志 信心和勇氣 決心和毅力


The beach is so nice that even with all the candles lid on and street lights, the sky full of stars just above the scenery  Cats just wandered around the city :) that's so awesome for such weather and atmosphere 

2013/9/1 firework concert, princes st

This is my second firework show on princes street in 2013 And like the new year celebration, I'm with many friends this time, some new companies and some familiar companies :)  I feel blessed with so much good will guiding me  Thanks for so many nice people coming to my life