2013/2/25 review of my feelings from start to end
this is a quick wrap-up I normally have when I really want to close something bothered me, feelings, thoughts, worries, or even worse situations which I haven't had experience yet and hopefully not ;) this whole thing I'd named it with an operation code, say, "Grandfather Clock", initial "GC". GC began with a nice little misunderstanding of words, he said 'I like you' as an expression of affection, but I percieved as a friendly saying (i.e. not so meaningful). then things kind of moving too fast but in whole they were not out of control, yet, until one particular occasion I gave a very clear 'no' answer, the result turned out to be very disappointing because he didn't take my word seriously and broke the previously agreed condition with ackonwledgement of my rage. for me it's the end of anything we had together, even just staying around with him, I don't want to be friend with a person who deliberately provokes me just for fu...