
目前顯示的是 3月, 2013的文章

2013/3/24 OMG! one hour (record) sleep

i only got one hour (maybe plus 30 minutes) sleep and then left for Manchester International Airport although i exhausted myself over those assignments and didn't get much sleep either, i feel happy and content at the same time because me and mr. hamberg finally had some insight discussion about our own expectations and our near future plans, which would be very useful in terms of making my own arrangement  i really appreciated his honesty with me, and i shall return the same favor mb the timing is still wrong for now, if God prepared this person for me, we'll end up with each other finally  for now, at least we will have some time together and just cherish each other's accompany, i guess that's the best i can offer in return of what he has offered, inspirations, way of thinking, way of organizing things thank you for making me want to become a better girl :) i'll be grateful for that all my life right now i have to concentrate on my next stage plan preparation and ...


很快的寫一下,因為是剛剛跟大人們討論出來的東西 知道自己想要什麼,不能失去/錯過什麼,在規劃人生的道路上面比較不容易迷失自己隨波逐流 不是說隨波逐流不好,只能說那不是我的哲學,不是我的核心價值觀 的確我對很多事情都有計畫,我也知道計畫跟不上變化,但是當自己心中有了定見之後,才能從混亂中生存 對我自己我的要求很高,因為那是我跟我自己的戰鬥,我用以榮耀我的主宰的方式 只能說,未來的伴侶,真的是要能夠看著相同方向,並且也在朝著相同方向前進的人 其他人我只能謝謝你的愛,對不起我不是你的Miss Right

2013/3/19 thing are like snowball, rolling into bigger one!!!

in mid-March, it snowed all night in EDI and this was the view i woke up to, damn   things are a bit out of control right now still three essays on the road and neither of them closing to finish, shocking! finals are coming and i'm not sure the time i set to prepare is enough...i need excellent grades, this time is not like first semester, experiencing everything, this is war!!! handing my proposal and unsure how my supervisor is going to say... defining my feelings and figuring out what i really want... this is the most important priority to me of course i know my current goals and aims, but also i have to plan the future, step by step future is the path from present

2013/3/14 Msc dissertation proposal, also a good idea for stretch further (PhD) research project

(from another window, one living proof of how Scotland weather changes dramatically, snowy in night but sunny in day)  this is what Anna told me just now mb i should think of my dissertation as a broader idea coz i might be doing it for PhD if i want to oh man, that's two birds with one stone, if i really go further, i have to be more cautious with my dissertation now ouch!! thanks to different friends with various points of views, helps a lot

2013/3/6 說想家還不如說想家中的食物

洋蔥番茄培根義大利麵,非常的好吃但是也非常的高血壓XD調味只有鹽巴跟黑胡椒,少許義大利混合香草 先下培根,等到油出的差不多開始下洋蔥跟大蒜,洋蔥軟了之後下番茄,等番茄軟了就可以把煮剛好的義大利麵丟下去了 這個禮拜整個人懶洋洋的沒勁做事,大概是開始想吃家裡的食物吧(或者說,家鄉的食物) 剛剛把整顆大白菜切段,用辣油炒,配上阿舍乾麵,白菜我沒有放太多鹽巴,嘟嘟好配上過鹹的阿舍乾麵醬汁,完美 (但是我想我應該要反省一下,一餐就吃掉一整顆大白菜這有點太超過了...但是也只有麵跟菜...) 回台灣一定要好好的吃這邊吃不到的東西...天啊真的是雞排、蚵仔麵線、有的沒的夜市小吃是我最最懷念(幾乎也是最最不健康的)食物耶

2013/3/2 spring is coming & motivations!!!

again back to the same old question but actually effective and important one What is your motive to make such choice? It's a very good one, and I've not given it a good and thorough thought still weighing my options but I guess this question will hunt me down to last minute if I don't try to figure out...